[Poem a Day] “Just a Bit of False Advertising”

Check out today’s post on Instagram.

(Buy me a coffee Coffee is not required, but always appreciated)

Got featured for the first time in a while yesterday. The page seemed like a relatively new Instagram poetry features account, but they actually pulled from one of my much older pieces, which I was definitely happy to see.

I’ve got 320 posts on my Instagram page now, meaning that rounds out to around maybe 300 or so poems posted since I started this in July. I never used to keep portfolios, so it’s an interesting thing to have an actual log of my work from a period of time onwards – something that lets me (and everyone else – yikes) see the progression from where I started to where I am.

I know I haven’t said this in a while, but I’m humbled that you all – Instagram and WordPress alike – have stuck with me this long. It’s a nice feeling to be read and hopefully appreciated in any capacity, and I’ve got my audience to thank for that.